Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Thanks for all your feedback related to our PFfinder Christmas List effort. We were hoping that it would be a way to illustrate how versatile the PFfinder tool can be and how it can be used to help you browse, find information, save information, even if it's not something that you would ever upload to PreFound.com (but please keep uploading those Groups that would help others on PreFound.com). We should note that the kids can use it to show you what they really want, and make it their "list to Santa", as well (Thanks Ken and Casey for your feedback there). It's important to know that the PFfinder tool is much more than a way to gather stuff to upload to PreFound.com.
Before PFfinder, traditional browsing meant that you had to visit a page before you could do anything with it (like bookmark it, save it, etc.). With traditional browsers, there's not much of a "scratch pad" type function. Users are so ingrained into this behavior that we've noticed in the Beta testing that it's tough for users to get used to just throwing links into the PFfinder window BEFORE looking at them. Hey guys, if you're not doing that, you should. It's a great aspect of how the PFfinder works and if you're not doing it, you're not using all the power of the tool.
For example; say you're reading the news on CNN.com. You know how you just have to click on a story, read it, then go back to the main site, pick another, read it, repeat... Sometimes the CNN.com site updates automatically and a story you had wanted to read disappeared and you now you don't know how to find it? Or maybe you're opening a bunch of articles in new windows or tabs? The PFfinder eliminates all this stuff. Just scan the main page of articles, use the PFfinder to throw the articles that you want to read into the PFfinder window right from that main page (don't actually visit the page!), and then whenever you're ready to read the articles just click on the links in the PFfinder window! It's faster, easier, you can read them whenever it's convenient and you'll never "lose" a article again.
The same concept works when you're searching on Google (or any other search site). Just pick out any links on the Results pages that you think "might" be what you're looking for and put them in the PFfinder window BEFORE visiting them. That way you can go through a bunch of Results very quickly and then review them at your leisure. It's a much better way of finding the information you need.
Feel free to comment on anything you read here, ask questions, give feedback. We appreciate your help.