Thursday, January 19, 2006

A little "social", but a lot "search". That's a decent way of describing will never really be as "social" a network as many of the other social search sites out there. That's just not our thing. But, does have a great way of gathering information from the web and keeping it for yourself or sharing it with others, which is at its base similar to all the other social sites out there (at last count, about 60 sites). Dave Taylor has a blog out there called, "The Intuitive Life Business Blog" and it discusses a variety of issues, but one of interest to us was the one where he asked what was so great about One of the comments was telling: "...As for utility, the simple fact that it doesn't fully support multi-word, phrase tags renders it uninteresting for my level of work. You should be able to tag pages as "Intuitive Life" and somebody should be able to query for "Intuitive Life" and get the bookmarks for the phrase and not the disconnected words, unless I choose to write my query as disconnected words. Actually, the service does appear to search through page titles using phrases, but the bookmarks themselves are not tagged by phrase, and even the searching varies between different search boxes for the service. It's rather confusing..."

Solving a lot of the issues the commenter discusses above is why was created. We want to be the place where people go to find what people have already found easier than anywhere else.

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