Monday, January 09, 2006

Monday's tip of the day, multimedia and One of the most powerful features of is it's ability to tag and store links to multimedia right in the same space as graphic and text links. For example, in PFfinder, you can build a folder and start tagging links to text, pictures, audio, video, podcasts, etc. all in that very same folder. Then you can share this information with the rest of the community. Wow! That's a big step from where we are now with sites like Google, Yahoo and the like, who make us choose which type of media we want to search for separately. With those types of search sites, there is no way to organize text, pictures, audio, video, podcasts, etc. into their results. But with us over at, it's no problem-o.

And it's going to be even more important moving forward. All the major networks and movie makers are going digital. Watching video on your video iPod of yesterday's Battlestar Galactica... I mean, yesterday's big ball game (oops, I almost gave away that I am a nerd there, whew...) couldn't be easier, and according to all the pundits, multimedia (like video) is the future of the Internet. Check this out:

So please, include multimedia links in your Find Groups if they are important and relevant to your subject. You can only do it on!

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