Thursday, February 23, 2006 Wall Street Journal Mention

A thought that comes to mind as we read the article was just how different the motivations are for reward programs comparing sites like Yahoo and Microsoft to sites like Blingo or Goodsearch. Yahoo and Microsoft are motivated by full out attempts to erode Google's market share in the search space. A battle among giants, so to speak. Blingo and iWon are among sites that seem to be comfortable being niche sites that offer nothing new in search but just want to get traffic by offering prizes. The exact same results as users would get on Google or Yahoo, just with prizes attached. Goodsearch is primarily philanthropic in nature, again just using Google results, wanting to help the world, etc. A9? It's owned by Amazon, so it's all about the retail in their program. All of these programs are so different than what is motivating us at, it seems odd that we would have even been mentioned in the article (but we're sure glad we were). wants to ensure that we get this human-indexed web search revolution going. One of the many ways we're doing that is by rewarding our best and most qualified Finders (people that are sharing the links they find with us) with the ad revenue derived from their pages and call them Featured Finders. That way, we get the best Finders we can, we motivate our regular users to share great links so they can apply to be paid Finders, and it will keep people coming so they can see great, human-shared search results. It's all done so can provide a unique and high quality search experience.
We have a rewards program at and a search site that does not use metasearch results, but utilizes human-indexing of the web. Thanks for participating.
community, search, community search, social search, social bookmarking, search engine, paid search, prefound,, wsj, wall street journal